Hello Guys! This post is not about my dishes but about myself.
There are some rules come along with receiving this award, and here they are:
2. Answer the 11 interview questions you’ve been given by the person who nominated you.
3. Fabricate 11 new questions.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers and mention them in your post.
5. Go and tell the person who nominated you, along with the people you’ve nominated about your post.
- I’m a full time mother since nearly five years. Before that I worked as a Product Manager at a pharmaceutical company.
- I have two boys, and I think nothing else had happened in my life that were so wonderful than had giving birth to them.
- I have never learnt taken photographs in a professional way . All I know has been taught by my husband, who is a very talented hobby photographer! Thanks a lot for his support, his patient, and his equipments…..
- I really hate parsnip. I could live without it.
- My favorite place in the world is Argentina and Uruguay. I could live there for a while…
- I’m a big fan of XFactor! I like singing too, and usually I’m amazed how many talented guys are all over the world.
- I’m totally dependent on internet. I like to be tuned all the time to be updated…..And I also love the new developed technical equipments which help to be organized.
- We spent our honeymoon in Jordan and I fell in love with that beautiful country! I love arabic foods, so many flavor in them.
- My favorite sport is swimming. I learned to swim when I was 25 years old!
- I hate junkfood! I put some weight when I had started working as a med rep, and had eaten in Mc every day 🙁
- I like doing shopping in charity shops. I love them so much, and I could buy there so many props….
1. Who has been your biggest influence in the kitchen?
Very crafty! Before Christmas we make our own glass paints with boys, decorate house 4 weeks before Christmas, bake together and paint letters for Santa as well.
7. What tool (kitchen, make up, auto, etc.) can you not live without?
Tupperware peeler. When we moved to England I had left at home, so I asked my friend to send to me asap!
8. What’s your all-time favorite book?
Freedom by Jonatan Franzen. If any of You haven’t read it, You have to! Amazing!
And The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
9. What’s you all-time favorite movie?
My questions to the blogs listed below:
- If You were the winner on lottery how would You spend the money?
- What is your biggest dream regarding with your food blog?
- If You had a free weekend what would You do?
- Do You prefer Canon Nikon or Pentax?
- Did You have a dish in your childhood You hated?
- Where would You live in the rest of your life?
- What was your dream in your childhood to become?
- French or Italian cuisine?
- When did You do sport last time?
- If You could change your religion what would You choose?
- What’s your favorite Christmas meal?
Almond Corner
Zizi’s Adventures
And I wish all of You Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Eva @FoodVegetarisch
Hi Emma,
many thanks for giving a "Liebster Blog Award" to Food Vegetarisch!! I am very honored by this 🙂
Merry Christmas Emma and have a happy new year!!
Shibi Thomas
Hi Emma,
Thanks a bunch for this wonderful award!!! Recognition like these means a lot for newbies like me!!!
Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Hi Emma,
thank you very much for this "Liebster Blog Award"!
Have a wonderful new year!
Hi Emma,
Thank you for the Liebster Blog Award. Have a happy New Year and wonderful 2013
Thanks for the award Emma. Hope you have a great start to the new year.